Saturday, November 14, 2009

High numbers...

Well, the last couple of weeks have been pretty tough! Nicholas blood sugar numbers have been all over the place. One night he went to bed at 134 and 2 hours later woke up at 545!!! So scary! He is not sick and has been acting pretty good considering his numbers. I am just so stressed out, worried, and tired! I just want my baby to feel good!!! We have adjusted his insulin and have been in constant contact with the doctors. It is not good for his little body to have such huge changes in his blood sugar numbers. The last 2 days his numbers have been pretty good so we are keeping our fingers crossed. At the end of November it will be 2 years since he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and all of our lives changed forever! I still pray everyday they will find a cure soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new layout and all your cute sidebar buttons! Poor little guy, I'll definitely be praying too! xo
